Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Baptism: Political, Practical, Personal

June 19, 2022 SMC preachers
Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons
Baptism: Political, Practical, Personal
Show Notes

On this Sunday when we celebrate the baptism of two young adults in our congregation, Pastor Amy explores the way baptism blesses and call us. In Jesus baptism, he was pronounced his allegiance not to the emperors and kings who ruled over his people but to God alone. He did so along with a community who, like him, were committed to hearts and lives oriented to the practical purpose of sharing resources, helping those in need and seeking justice. And ultimately his baptism was a moment of personal and intimate blessing between himself and the God who delighted in him. Every time one of us chooses to receive the waters of baptism, we too are connecting to our God and our community in this political, practical and personal way.

Sermon begins at minute marker 5:00

Luke 3:1-3; 10-14; 21-22

Photo credit: Amy Epp

Hymn: Come Thou Fount Robert Robinson (England), 1758,
A Collection of Hymns, 1759 American traditional (USA), in John Wyeth's Repository of Sacred Music, Part Second, 1813

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