Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Camel or cable? Needle or gate?

July 17, 2022 SMC preachers
Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons
Camel or cable? Needle or gate?
Show Notes

Just how easy is it for a camel to get through the eye of a needle? Pastor Debbie takes us through many translations and interpretations around the familiar quip. Did Jesus really mean what he is reported to have said - either literally or metaphorically? Who was this lesson even for? Maybe there are more questions here than answers.

Sermon begins minute 6:43

Scripture: Luke 4.16-21; 18.18-30

Image: uncredited gif
Hymn: VT 6 Let's Walk Together
Music - ©2006 Abingdon Press: Mark A Miller Text: Laurie Zelman
Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.