Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

I can talk about gratitude

SMC preachers

Summary: This one stumped Pastor Megan. We again ask: “Why do we worship?” And this week’s response, taken from our Voices Together hymnal, is: “To praise and give thanks.” Listen as Megan meanders through reflections on gratitude, even as she doesn’t feel very much like praising or giving thanks. And as she finds her way toward a genuine experience of gratitude, thanks to our gathering together as community for worship and shared life.

Series: Summer-Ordinary Time 2021


  • Scripture: Revelation 7.9-12
  • Photo Credit: Megan Ramer (worship art by Lisa Bade & John Flickinger)
  • A Rhythm of Prayer: A Collection of Meditations for Renewal, ed. Sarah Bessey, 2021.
  • Hymn: Praise, I Will Praise You, Text: French, based on Psalm 9:1-2, Claude Fraysse, English trans. Kenneth I. Morse ©1989  Hymnal:  A Worship Book, Spanish trans. Pedro Stucky ©2003 Mennonite World Conference; Music: Claude Fraysse © 1975

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