Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Worship. Doubt. Disciple.

Pastor Amy Epp

 Pastor Amy remembers the words of Waziyatawin, who told our congregation: These words do violence.  The "Great Commission" in Matthew 28 is used to uphold the Doctrine of Discovery and has given white European colonizers a supposed reason to subdue and subjugate indigenous people and claim indigenous resources.  But when we, Jesus' disciples, follow everything he's taught us, if the Greatest Commandments are to love God and to love our neighbor, maybe Jesus' final instructions to his disciples don't mean what we've always thought they meant.

Read the full sermon text here.

Learn more about Waziyatawin and find her writing here.

In the time with children, Pastor Amy read Big Cat Little Cat, by Elisha Cooper.  A big cat teaches the little 'what to do, how to be, what to eat, where to go' etc.  Like Jesus he's discipling the little cat.