Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Zoom Church! (3/8/20)

SMC preachers

Our first experience of gathering as church via Zoom. While absolutely nothing can replace being in the same space with our whole body-spirit selves, given the circumstances, this was a delight. Forty or more of us logged in for Lenten worship and prayer, and even some fellowship with folks who stuck around at the end. What an unexpected and sweet surprise it was to be able to gather with some in our SMC diaspora, as well as SMCers who are currently traveling away from home. We convened from Michigan, from Arizona, from Port Townsend on the Olympic Peninsula, from up in La Conner, and from our homes all across the greater Seattle region. 

[Please note that the photo is only representative - We had so many folks logged in that not everyone could fit on a single screen!]