Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Pouty Jonah & Spreading the Faith

SMC preachers

Jonah is dramatically, laughably angry about God's mercy for the Ninevites, and carries on a stompy, pouty tantrum. Often I laugh at his expense; this week I relate. We also recall that God's mercy for Nineveh follows sincere repentance and reparation of harm on the part of the powerful; and that Jesus centered his life and ministry among those at the pointy end of the State's violence. May we seek to do the same as we spread the faith.  [sermon begins at 19:03; child dedication at 32:55]
Scripture: Jonah 3.1-10; 4.1-11
Photo by Neil Fedorowycz on Unsplash
Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Here in this place - Words and Music: Marty Haugen © 1981 GIA Publications.
  • Lord we bring to you our children - Words: Frank von Christierson © 1976 The Hymn Society, Hope Publishing Co. Music: American Folks Melody.

Other Resources

  • Just as I am - Words: Charlotte Elliot, 1834. Music: English traditional.
  • Hard Times Come Again No More - Words and Music: Stephen Foster 1894.
  • When God Made You, by Matthew Paul Turner. Illustrated by David Catrow.