Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

The Freedom of Youth

SMC preachers

Sarah Augustine preached on the story of the boy Jesus in the temple. We connected deeply with Mary, dealing with a shamelessly unapologetic pre-teen son. And then - firmly identifying with his parents - Sarah invited us to see the freedom and unencumbered way of youth as the gift that it can be and - indeed - is. Unsettling as it can be. We are often tempted to dismiss youth as naive, unrealistic, or even just rude and demanding. May we grow in rejoicing at those who will not (yet) justify their/our systems, but will speak bold truths and offer incisive challenges. Listen in and you'll also hear some powerful storytelling of the youth with whom Sarah works. To learn more about Sarah's work in Yakima with the Dispute Resolution Center, check out their facebook page and/or their website.
Sermon begins at minute 14:15
Scripture: Luke 2.41-52
Image: Dispute Resolution Center of Yakima and Kittitas Counties
Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Infant holy, infant lowly – Text: Polish carol, trans. Edith M. G. Reed; Music: Polish folk melody; adapted by A. E. Rusbridge, harm. © Mrs. A. E. Rusbridge
  • Hail the bless’d morn – Text: Reginald Heber; Music: Southern Harmony, 1835, harm. © 1990 Alice Parker

Additional Resources

  • Songs of praise the angels sang – Text: James Montgomery; Music: John Antes
  • Ehane he’ama (Father God, you are holy) – Text: Harvey Whiteshield, tr. David Graber and others, © 1982 Mennonite Indian Leaders’ Council; Music: Plains Indian melody
  • Call to Worship – Oscar Romero, from Sing the Journey, 137
  • Opening Words – Cole Arthur Riley, Black Liturgies
  • Children's Time – “Jesus goes to Jerusalem with his parents,” read by Archbishop Desmond Tutu, from his book, Children of God Storybook Bible