Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

A Jesus Who Troubles

SMC preachers

We’ve got ourselves a BADnews - GOODnews situation with the pair of stories from Luke 7. Jesus is moved by a widow’s suffering to bring healing and a restoration of her wholeness in the community. Yet Jesus also brings healing to the “treasured” slave of a Roman military commander without liberating that slave from slavery. Additionally, Jesus calls that Roman military officer’s description of his own power and commanding authority “faith.” What?? On the one hand, Jesus’ mercy embodies his good news proclamation in his first public sermon delivered in his hometown just 3 chapters earlier, and on the other his failure to liberate and challenge the world’s domination structures seems completely inconsistent with who he’s proclaimed himself to be. Pastor Megan explores what to do when deeply troubled by Jesus, and - at least for today - casts the neat and tidy bows aside.
Sermon begins at minute 15:35.
Scripture: Luke 7.1-17
Image: Photo by Ilona Frey on Unsplash
Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Here in this place - Text & Music: Marty Haugen, © 1982, GIA Publications, Inc.
  • My Shepherd will supply my need - Text: based on Psalm 23, Isaac Watts, public domain; Music: American traditional, harm. J. Harold Moyer, © 1969 Faith & Life Press / Mennonite Publishing House
  • O Lord, Hear my Prayer – Tune: Jacques Berthier (France); Text: based on Psalm 102.1-2; © 1982, Les Presses de Taizé, admin. GIA Publications, Inc.
  • Jesus Christ is waiting - Tune: French traditional, 15th c.; harm. James E. Clemens, © 2001 James E. Clemens, Text: © 1988, Iona Community, GIA Publications, Inc., agent

Additional Resources

  • Let there be light - Text: William M. Vories; Music: Charles H. S. Zeuner
  • Grant Us, God, the Grace - Text: Robert Murray; Music: attr. Christian Friederich Witt, adapt. Henry J. Gauntlett
  • Call to worship by Carol Penner in Voices Together, 866
  • Prayers of the People intro and closing by Ruth Duck, text from Voices Together, 735
  • Benediction by Eleanor Epp-Stobbe in Voices Together, 1069