Seattle Mennonite Church Sermons

Resurrection, not Resuscitation

SMC preachers

Looking to the sacred text of John’s gospel, and the sacred text of creation, Pastor Megan ponders resurrection as not only a powerful Way of Life, but specifically as we emerge from the worst of the pandemic and begin our journey of return to incarnational community together. Bear witness to the powerful witness of fireweed at Lawetlat'la (name given by the indigenous Cowlitz people for the mountain many know as Mt. Saint Helens), regeneration of a renewed landscape of life, and the resilience of creation. [Sermon begins at 19:42]

Permission to podcast the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-726929. All rights reserved.

  • Now the Green Blade Rises, Music: French Traditional, Words: James Clemens. © 2001
  • You've Got a Place at the Welcome Table. words and music: Joel Raney. © 2019 Hope Publishing Company
  • Nothing Can Separate Us from the Love of God. Words: Romans 8. Music: James E. Clemens, © 2008 James E. Clemens
  • Tuma Mina. Words and Music: Traditional South African

Image: “Regeneration at Lawetlat'la (Cowlitz name for Mount St. Helens),” taken by Megan Ramer, May 2021